English Language Books:
Those Torn From Earth (by Frederick Hollander, publisher: Liveright)
The Wild Stage (by Alan Lareau, publisher Camden House)
Marlene Dietrich, Life and Legend (by Steven Bach, publisher: Quill)
Marlene Dietrich (by Maria Riva, publisher: Knopf)
Blue Angel, The Life of Marlene Dietrich (by Donald Spoto)
Marlene (by Marlene Dietrich, publisher: Grove Press)
Fun In A Chinese Laundry (by Josef Von Sternberg, publisher: Macmillan)
Marlene, the Life Of Marlene Dietrich (by charles Higham, publisher: Norton)
Hollywood Rhasody, Movie Music And It's Makers 1900 to 1975 (by Gary Marmorstein, publisher: Schirmer Books)
The Weimar Republic Sourcebook (by Anton Kaes, Martin Jay, Edward Dimendberg, publisher: University of California Press)
Berlin Cabaret (by Peter Jelavich, publisher: Harvard University Press)
Cabaret Berlin (publisher: Ear Books)
German Language Books:
Friedrich Hollaender, Von Kopf bis Fuß (by Friedrich Hollaender, publisher: Weidle Verlag)
Menschliches Treibgut (by Friedrich Hollaender, publisher: Weidle Verlag)
Ich starb an einem Dienstag (by Friedrich Hollaender, publisher: R.S. Schulz)
Ärger mit dem Echo (by Friedrich Hollaender, publisher R.S. Schulz)
Die Witzbombe und wie man sie legt (by Friedrich Hollaender, publisher R.S.Schulz)
Wenn ich mir was wünschen dürfte (8 CD box set with Book: Friedrich Hollaender von Viktor Rotthaler, publisher: Bear Family)
Blandine... von und mit Blandine Ebinger, der großen Diseuse der Zwanziger Jahre, der kongenialen Muse von Friedrich Hollaender (publisher: Arche)
Nils Grosch (Hrsg.) Aspekte des modernen Musiktheaters in der Weimar Republik (publisher: Waxmann)
Spötterdämmerung (by Volker Kühn, publisher: Parthas)
"...und sonst gar nichts!" (by Volker Kühn, publisher: Fackel Trager Verlag)
Cabaret Berlin (publisher: Ear Books)